In September 2011 Pari Publishing will publish my book "Return of the World Soul, Wolfgang Pauli, C.G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality". You can already order it at

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New in 2006/2007:


During the last year I continued in writing my book The Holy Wedding, Chapter 5.


New on May 1st, 2006:


The Holy Wedding Chapter 5: Carl Jung's quaternity and the hidden god (deus absconditus)


5.9 The deus absconditus and the singular acausal quantum leap

5.9.4 The prevention of the observation of the the Eros Self and of the singular acausal quantum leap by the power complex of the Logos ego

5.9.5 Helly's somnambulistic alter ego Ivenes and the repressed Eros ego

5.9.6 The collapse of the will based Logos ego into the powerlessness of the Eros state  



New on April 22, 2006:


The Holy Wedding, Chapter 5: Carl Jung's quaternity and the hidden god (deus absconditus)


5.9 The deus absconditus and the singular acausal quantum leap

5.9.1 The Holy Wedding and the deus absconditus as the phallus of the queen

5.9.2 The deus absconditus in a modern interpretation: The singular acausal quantum leap

5.9.3 Carl Jung's and Sabine Spielrein's projection of the Holy Wedding archetype into each other as an anticipation of the apocalyptic sun woman



Section 9 shows that behind Carl Jung's and Sabina Spielrein's love story was the archetype of the Holy Wedding and its main content, the deus absconditus (hidden god), which is in fact the world soul with its ability of the creation with the help of the singular acausal quantum leap (creatio continua).



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New on April 4, 2006:


My son Simon has written his Matura Paper (in English!) with the title


Tensions in US/European relations after 9/11


"In this paper, I would like to achieve two things. On the one hand I want to describe the course of events between the US and Europe in the Iraq crisis, which peaked out in March 2003. On the other hand I want to provide an ideological analysis about the differences between American and European ideology or values, which certainly had an influence on this outcome."


The paper was awarded the best possible mark. As his father I also think that it is a very ripe work for a young man of 18 years. I am very proud of my son.

New on March 6, 2006:

Roger Faglin re-opened the UNUS MUNDUS forum. I hope that also you will actively participate in the lifely discussion about subjects of the PSYCHOVISION website.

New on Feb 24, 2006:

Holy Wedding, Chapter 5:   Carl Jung's quaternity and the hidden god (deus absconditus)

5.2 The pastor son's dream of the deus absconditus

5.3 Carl Jung's spiritistic seances with his cousin Helly

Chapter 5 deals with Carl Jung's controversial definitions of the quaternarian God-image and their background, the "personal equation" of the depth psychologist. 

First however we have to deal with the development of his personality during his youth and the "night sea journey". Only like this we will understand the ambivalences shown in his God-image  

[Index of Contents]

New on Jan 17, 2006:

I have added a second testimonial. I am so glad that people suffering very intensely and consciously are consoled by my work.

New on Jan 16, 2006: 


I have got a testimonial of someone I did not know before. Since I am so happy that there are people who understand deeply what I am writing, I publish it here with the consent of the author.

New on Dec 31, 2005: 

4.7 The structure and dynamics of a modern unio corporalis

In this section I define the main terms of my theory and give a short overview of it.


A remark concerning the use of the term psychophysical wave function collapse:

The reader should not confuse the physical collapse of the wave function with the psychophysical wave function collapse proposed by me. The former is initiated by ones will, since the quantum physical experiment and especially the observation is started in a predeterminated time and in a specific place. The psychophysical collapse is however the observation of a singular acausal or indeterministic event that was not initiated by the conscious will, but by the world soul when it "decides" to give birth to its creation and incarnates it out of the space- and timeless unus mundus into our space and time bound world. Of course one can perhaps wait all their life without succeeding in such an observation, since the time required for such a unique event to occur is not fixed; it can happen after observing for just one second - or after 100 years. This is why it was so important for me in the development of my theory to work with "chosen" people who experience the "call" to observe such phenomena. They are "chosen" by fate to be the "experimental apparatus" used in the observation of the new incarnation. I guess that UFO abduction victims are one sort of the "chosen", however I also know humans who have similar inner experiences - but without having the fearful or nightmarish aspect to them since they have somewhat consciously accepted their fate. 


New on Dec 23, 2005:

As a result of my insights concerning the today constellated archetype of the Holy Wedding (coniunctio) in The Archetype of the Holy Wedding I inserted some remarks in my early essay The Connection between Radioactivity and Synchronicity in the Pauli/Jung Letters. With the discovery of the difference between Carl Jung's term Anima and the anima mundi, also Wolfgang Pauli's "Anima" should be redefined as the ligament between spirit and matter, the world soul. Therefore, also the Chinese woman in his dreams and visions is not a representative of the Anima in the meaning of Carl Jung, but of the anima mundi.

New on Dec 12th, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding

Chapter 4: Gerardus Dorneus' unio corporalis and the shadow of the Self or matter-psyche

4.8 Summary

The summary describes my insights concerning the Hermetic alchemical unio corporalis developed so far. They differ from Carl Jung's Neoplatonic interpretation and show the basis of the Body-Centered Imagination developed by me. 

[Index of Contents]

New on Dec 2nd, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding

4.6 The overcoming of Carl Jung's Neoplatonic interpretation of the unio corporalis: The Hermetic matter-psyche as the shadow of the Logos Self

The riddle of Carl Jung's contradicting interpretations of the 2nd phase of Dorneus' opus, the unio corporalis, is solved, if we assume that the latter serves the relation of the  "shadow ego" (Eros ego) with the shadow of the (Logos) Self, with the Eros Self. One possible modern form is my Body-Centered Imagination, which is the looked-for vegetative procedure that replaces the sexual myth and serves the healing of physical disease as well as the observation of the creation of the subtle body for the afterlife.

New on Dec 1st, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding

4.5 The relationship between the ego, the Anima, the Self and the anima mundi

4.5.1 The discrepancy between Carl Jung's Anima and the anima mundi

In 1953 Carl Jung creates a discrepancy between his spiritual Anima and the vegetative anima mundi


4.5.2 Carl Jung's exclusion of the Hermetic vegetative world soul (anima mundi)

With the "spiritualization" of the Anima, Carl Jung excludes the anima mundi


4.5.3 Natural science and modern depth psychology as split from the wholeness of the anima mundi of the Medieval Ages

Expressed in modern terms, the Medieval world soul was a wholeness that comprises spirit, psyche and matter, the part and the whole, as well as the inner and the outer world. This unity was split when mathematics entered natural science in the 17th century, and it is also split in Carl Jung's depth psychology.


4.5.4 The Seal of Solomon as the anima mundi and as the modern solution of the Axiom of Maria Prophetissa

My modern interpretation of the Axiom gives us a means for the re-unification of the world soul


4.5.5 Logos ego, Logos Self, Eros ego and Eros Self

A comparision of Carl Jung's terms with my concept of the Eros ego and the Eros Self 


4.5.6 The Body-Centered Imagination

A short description of this imaginative method with the help of the newly defined terms


New on Nov 22nd, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding

4.4.4 Carl Jung's regressive mergence of the unio corporalis with the unio mentalis and the matter-psyche's principle as the way out

In this section I show that Carl Jung merged the first and the second phase of Dorneus' opus, the (Neoplatonic) unio mentalis and the (Hermetic) unio corporalis, since he did not see the differences between Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy. The former accepted only the principle of the spirit-psyche and thus identified the anima mundi with the Christian God-image. Only Hermetic alchemy contained the bipolarity of the energy term, i.e., accepted the spirit-psyche as well as the matter-psyche, the Christian God as the one, and the world soul as the other, different energetic principle. Since Carl Jung identified with the Neoplatonic branch, he was neither able to distinguish between the unio mentalis and the unio corporalis, and translated both into his Active Imagination. I state therefore that only the acceptance of the bipolarity of the energy term can help us to progress from the unio mentalis to the unio corporalis.

New on Nov 18th, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding

4.4 Carl Jung's divine/human double quaternity versus the Eros Self and the matter-psyche

4.4.1 The depth psychologist's Neoplatonic interpretation of the unio corporalis and the repression of conscious suffering

4.4.2 The coniunctio in the Christian Heaven

4.4.3 The Holy Wedding as the relationship of the Anima with the Self and of the ego with the Anima

In Carl Jung's interpretation of the unio corporalis the king stays in Heaven. Thus, in such a Neoplatonic interpretation the Holy Wedding happens there and not in the intermediate realm between Heaven and earth of the Hermetic alchemists Robert Fludd and Gerardus Dorneus. The caput corvi, the Raven's Head or black head of the underworld god Osiris is thus interpreted as the thinking function to be developed. Like this a 'separation from the great suffering and grief' is aimed at. Such a task is however in stark contrast to the sacrifice of the Heavenly god or king, who should enter the womb of the queen and dissolve for his rebirth. In this way the depth psychologist is able to create the proposed structure of the double quaternity: the quaternarian (Logos) ego and the quaternarian (Logos) Self. The Eros principle, and thus the Seal of Solomon is however suppressed.  



New on Nov 11th, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding

4.3 The content of the Hermetic opus: The death of the Heavenly king: In the unio corporalis after the death of matter a second death happens: The king, god, or the Logos principle, what I call the spirit-psyche, has to die. Further, it has to come down from heaven and unify with the queen, the goddess. This archetypal event extremely constellated today, is presented as the drowning king, as the king swallowed by the uterus of the queen and as the vegetative myth of the king's atoms becoming the seeds in the earth, where they release the beginning of the new life. This new vegetative "life essence" I call the matter-psyche and alchemy symbolizes it in the lily, the Seal of Solomon, the quintessence, the infans solaris and the red tincture. 


New on Nov 9th, 2005: 

4.2 Carl Jung's Neoplatonic interpretation of the unio corporalis and the Hermetic quintessence: In section 4.2 of my manuscript The Holy Wedding I show how Carl Jung interprets the 2nd phase of Gerardus Dorneus' opus, the unio corporalis in the same way as the unio mentalis, that is as the Neoplatonic liberation of the spirit or the psyche from matter. The subtle body or quintessence, the most important goal of the 2nd phase mutates like this into the production of the "subtle consciousness", the quaternity of the psychological functions. Like this, however, the Hermetic goal of the unio corporalis, the creation of the real quintessence or empirically observable subtle body is not possible. Therefore, it will be the great challenge of the beginning 21st century. 

New on Nov 3rd, 2005: 

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding, 

Chapter 4: Gerardus Dorneus' unio corporalis and the shadow of the Self or matter-psyche

4.1 The dew as matter-psyche and the bipolarity of the energy term (part 8)

Chapter 4 deals with Carl Jung's Neoplatonic interpretation of Gerardus Dorneus' unio corporalis (the 2nd phase of his opus). I will then show my Hermetic interpretation of the unio corporalis, leading to an inclusion of the matter-psyche or the shadow of the Self, Hermetic alchemy described symbolically as the dew. The (parapsychological) matter-psyche becomes thus a complement to Carl Jung's objective psyche (I call the inner spirit-psyche) as well as to physical energy (I call the outer spirit-psyche).

New on October 29, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding -- in Alchemy and in the Unconscious of Modern Man, Part 7: A summary of Chapter 3: The Alchemical Rosarium Philosophorum, including further conclusions introducing some aspects of my psychophysical theory described in the following chapters.

New on June 20, 2005:

Eros and Logos

New on June 15, 2005:

Crop Circles and the Unus mundus

New on June 1, 2005:

Marie-Louise von Franz' Dream of Carl Jung's Return to the Black Madonna in Einsiedeln, Switzerland

New on May 25, 2005:

Albert Einstein and Carl G. Jung


UFOs, ETs, Terence McKenna and the unus mundus

In the above threads of the cgjungpage/forum I develop my psychophysical theory with practical examples, and try to explain it in a simple language. Sorry for my limited and bad English.

New on April 19, 2005:

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding -- in Alchemy and in the Unconscious of Modern Man

Index of contents

Part 1

 Part 2  Part 3

Part 4 

Part 5 Part 6

Part 7

Part 8 Part 9
Part 10 Part 11 Part 12

I began to translate my German essay about the Holy Wedding (coniunctio), which is, in my opinion, the creation and incarnation myth of the 21st century. I wrote it in 2000 and 2003. In translating it I saw that I must enlarge it and thus entered my new insights after July 7, 2003, where I saw that behind Carl Jung's (Logos) Self there must exist what I call the Eros Self (that can only be observed with what I call Eros consciousness).  

I will continue this work during the next months. I must however confess that with this essay I began to separate from the post Jungian dogmatic belief -- yes I call it a dogmatic belief, as most Jungians do not question the "boundary conditions" (as a mathematician would call it) of Carl G. Jung's research results.  

Science consists, in my opinion, however in the ability of always questioning the results of a researcher and correcting or -- as in my case -- enlarging them. When doing this, of course the question of Ockham's razor comes up ("Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily"). However also physics had to enlarge its (causal) theory more than 70 years ago when it tried to mathematically describe the "crazy behavior" of matter in the subatomic structures (the acausality of the radioactive decay). Thus, physics was forced to create the acausal or indeterministic quantum physics that is of course in great opposition to classical (causal) physics, including Einstein's SRT and GRT. For once, Ockham's razor had to be edgeless...

[Written on April 19, 2005, just before I heard that the dogmatic Joseph Ratzinger was elected the new pope Benedictus XVI]

New on November 11, 2004:

Wolfgang Pauli's incarnatio synchronicity (6)  [Continuation of The Return of the World Soul, Chapter 5]: The limits of Carl G. Jung's depth psychological and of Wolfgang Pauli's quantum physical approach, and radioactivity understood on the psychophysical level

New on October 15, 2004:

Wolfgang Pauli's incarnatio synchronicity (5) The crucial question: Is Carl Jung's Self a causal "field" or an acausal "radioactive nucleus"?  [Continuation of The Return of the World Soul, Chapter 5]


New on September 15, 2004:

Wolfgang Pauli's incarnatio synchronicity (4): Wolfgang Pauli's and Carl Jung's regression into the complementary relationship between synchronicity and radioactivity. [Continuation of The Return of the World Soul, Chapter 5]

New on September 1st, 2004

Wolfgang Pauli's incarnatio synchronicity (3): Wolfgang Pauli's regression into the complementary interpretation of the Taoist bipolarity of Yang/Yin.  [Continuation of The Return of the World Soul, Chapter 5]

New on August 22nd, 2004:

Wolfgang Pauli's incarnatio synchronicity (2): The bursting meteorite, the multiplicatio, the red tincture and radioactivity. The so-called multiplicatio as the common content of the alchemical red tincture and radioactivity: [Continuation of The Return of the World Soul, Chapter 5]

New on August 1st, 2004:

Wolfgang Pauli's incarnation synchronicity (1): Immediately after his discussion with Carl Jung about a forthcoming cosmic incarnation process in the near future, Wolfgang Pauli experienced a spontaneous explosion of a meteorite he interpreted as a synchronistic agreement of nature with their idea. [Continuation of The Return of the World Soul, Chapter 5]

New on July 14th, 2004:

Synchronicity, the wave function's collapse and the future incarnatio (2): 

Carl Jung's and Wolfgang Pauli's discussion about the future incarnatio:

 "The problem of the coniunctio must be kept for the future; it is more than I can cope with, and my heart reacts if I exert myself too much along these lines." (Carl Jung to W. Pauli). 

RFR: This means: The solution of the problem of the coniunctio and the incarnation constellated today needs a deeper explanation principle than synchronicity. 

New on July 11th, 2004:

Synchronicity, the wave function's collapse and the future incarnatio (1) 

New on June 19th, 2004:

UFO Abduction Seen from Wolfgang Pauli's and Carl G. Jung's Psychophysical Reality Hypothesis: 

My theory in short. English translation of an interview by Dennis Kirstein, UFOzine magazine, June 2004, Stuttgart, Germany


New on May 20th, 2004:


Wolfgang Pauli's and Carl Jung's dispute about the terms psyche, matter and spirit (continuation):  Quantum physical observation as an incarnation act: Carl Jung's conflict between a causal and an acausal theory, his and Pauli's discussion about a possible future incarnation, quantum physical observation as an incarnation act and the Nobel laureate's isolation because of his dreams about the relationship between Eros and radioactivity   


New on May 5th, 2004:


Wolfgang Pauli's and Carl Jung's dispute about the terms psyche, matter and spirit - Philosophical cognition as a creation act: Carl Jung's crux with the Seal of Solomon, his philosophical cognition as creation act and his antagonistic definitions of the term 'psyche'


March 12th, 2004:


Radioactivity and UFOs: A summary of my theory of the connection between radioactivity and the UFO phenomenon.

January 22nd, 2004:

Some Thoughts about the Relationship of Carl Jung's Depth Psychology To Quantum Physics and to Archetypal Psychosomatics, Part 3: This part of my Rome lecture contains the Kappa synchronicity which led me to my further insights about the negative energy of physics on a psychophysical level.  

January 20th, 2004: 

Some Thoughts about the Relationship of Carl Jung's Depth Psychology To Quantum Physics and to Archetypal Psychosomatics, Part 2:
What projects elementary particle physics into the accelerator and the bubble chamber?  

January 15th, 2004:

Some Thoughts about the Relationship of Carl Jung's Depth Psychology To Quantum Physics and to Archetypal Psychosomatics, Part 1:
Lecture in Rome, Italy for the Presentation of my Book I Cercatori di Dio [The Quest for God], October 14th, 1994, revised and complemented with new information showing my progress in dealing with the subject between the years 1994 and 2003.

January 9th, 2004:

Some Quotations from Wolfgang Pauli's Scientific Letters:
The question arises: Is Wolfgang Pauli, the "conscious of physics", also the conscious of depth psychology?

December 12th, 2003:

The New Mysticism and the Life after Death, part 2: The background of the New Mysticism is the myth of the transformation of the king of alchemy, i.e., the masculine God. He must descend into the womb of the Goddess, out of which both will be redeemed by the individual human in a deeply introverted process. This incredible heretical idea will be the central task of a modern mystic of the 21st century.

November 11th, 2003:

The New Mysticism and the Life after Death, part 1: Carl G. Jung's depth psychology allows a new approach to Mysticism. As the experience shows, the center of the collective unconscious has divine qualities. Therefore a relationship with this mandala structured center can be regarded as a new mysticism, which is independent of any religios confession.

October 13th, 2003:

Neotantrism and Body Centered Visualization

Esoterics speaks again and again of the so-called "third eye", which is allegedly opened during the process of "enlightenment." In the Buddhist and Hindu Tantrism the third eye corresponds to the ajna chakra, which is located above the nose on the forehead. The essential goal of today's imitations of the Tantric initiation processes in the Western world - the so-called Neotantrism - consists of opening this "third eye" by a concentration on the front forehead region concerned. For the Western culture this seems to be wrong.  

September 17th, 2003:

A Body Centered Visualization for Arrhythmias of the Heart: This article contains Body Centered VisualizationsTM of a woman who sought a cure for arrhythmias of the heart. This example shows how such psychosomatic phenomena can be resolved with the help of the BCV method, which I first developed in the late 1980's.

May, 24th, 2003:

The Seal of Solomon and the unsolved problem of psyche's complementary incarnation, part 1: Wolfgang Pauli's conflict between the complementarity of energy and the law of conservation of physical energy

March, 23rd, 2003:

Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part4: Hermetic Alchemy and Pauli's Kepler essay

March, 21st, 2003:

Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part3: Hermetic Alchemy and Pauli's Kepler essay

March 16th, 2003:

Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part2: Neoplatonic Alchemy

March 10th, 2003:
Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part1: Wolfgang Pauli's differentiation between Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy

February 25th, 2003:
Carl Jung's quaternity, Neoplatonic philosophy and the "potential being" of Aristotle, part 4: Carl Jung's "Quaternities projected into heaven" and the unsolved psychophysical problem

February 14th, 2003:
Carl Jung's quaternity, Neoplatonic philosophy and the "potential being" of Aristotle, part 1: Wolfgang Pauli's grave criticism at the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich and at Carl G. Jung's quaternity

February 14th, 2003:
Carl Jung's quaternity, Neoplatonic philosophy and the "potential being" of Aristotle, part 2: The dogma of the Assumption, the archetype of the coniunctio, Carl Jung's individuation process and the Platonic privatio boni

January 23rd, 2003:
The UFO and the Subtle Body - Contemporary History and Future Developments in Nine UFO Dreams, Part 2: "The turning point has been reached, the earth has changed"

December 1st, 2002:
The UFO and the Subtle Body - Contemporary History and Future Developments in Nine UFO Dreams, Part 1: The constellation of a UFO myth in the first eight dreams of a series.

October 15th, 2002:
Wolfgang Pauli's Fludd/flood Synchronicity and the Future Development of Psychophysical Research: The meaning of the Pauli effect and the synchronicity which happened at the foundation ceremony of the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich in the year 1948 - still valid today...

August 20th, 2002:
Wolfgang Pauli and Parapsychology (Part 3): The psychoid and the psycho-physical archetype and Carl Jung's "second psychic system"

August 15th, 2002:
Wolfgang Pauli and Parapsychology (Part 2): The dispute with Marie-Louise von Franz about the integration of depthpsychology into physics

August 8th, 2002:
My Personal Memories of Marie-Louise von Franz

July 25th, 2002:
A NEW MELODY, A NEW GENESIS: Comments on the UFO experiences of the S.P.A.C.E.-group of New York