Praxis für Alternative Psychosomatik und Traumdeutung, Dr. Remo F. Roth, CH-8001 Zürich

Remo F. Roth

Dr. oec. publ., Ph.D.

dipl. analyt. Psychologe (M.-L. v. Franz)


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With many thanks to Gregory Sova, Ph.D. (LA, CA) for translation assistance

Book Project:


Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung and the Challenge of the Unified Psychophysical Reality

© copyright 2002-2004 by Pro Litteris, Zürich. All rights reserved

This book is intended for private use only, and is copyrighted under existing Internet copyright laws and regulations.

back to Chapter 4, part 3 / back to Contents


 4. Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation

(part 4)  



part 1:

4. Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation

4.1 Wolfgang Pauli's differentiation between Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy

4.1.1 A short description of the alchemical opus

4.1.2 Some differences between Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy

part 2:

4.2 Neoplatonic alchemy
4.2.1 The impossibility of transmutation (Wandlung) in the Neoplatonic opus

4.2.2 The reduction of the quaternity to the Trinity by the early Medieval Platonist Scotus Eriugena and the Hornberger Schiessen

4.2.3 Einstein's objective worldview as Hornberger Schiessen

part 3:

4.3 Hermetic alchemy
4.3.1 Robert Fludd's chymic wedding, the intermediate world and the infans solaris


part 4:

4.3.2 The symmetry between spirit and matter in Hermetic alchemy and complementarity

part 5 (will follow):

4.3.3 Carl Jung's ambivalence between the trinity and the quaternity and the Axiom of Maria prophetissa: A preliminary analysis




 4. Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation

(part 4)

4.3.2 The symmetry between spirit and matter in Hermetic alchemy and complementarity

Pauli’s discovery of the concept of the equivalence of matter and spirit, and especially of the descent of God into matter in Hermetic alchemy, seemed to have produced an enormous aha-experience in him. Therefore, in several letters, he writes very enthusiastically about this Hermetic/alchemical aspect of the opus.

In the above-mentioned letter of October 16th, 1951 to Marie-Louise von Franz (see section 4.2.1) we read:

„Als das Bedeutende an der Alchemie erscheint mir ihr in einer hinsichtlich des Gegensatzes physisch-psychisch neutralen Sprache ausgedrücktes Einheitserlebnis, das auch die emotionale Sphäre miteinschliesst und daher zugleich ein numinos-religiöses Erlebnis ist. In religiöser Sprache ausgedrückt kann man sagen, dass der Alchemisten Weg zum ‘Einen’ (oder Gott) mit einem Abstieg in die Körperwelt beginnt, daher auch diese Körperwelt letzten Endes zum religiösen ‘Ziel’ führt.“ [emphasis mine] 

English translation: 

„The importance of alchemy seems to me to be its experience of unity expressed in a neutral language, which is related to the pair of opposites physical/psychic, and which includes also the emotional sphere and therefore at the same time is a numinous/religious experience. Expressed in a religious language one can say, that the alchemists’path to the ‘One’ (or to God) begins with a descent into the physical world (Körperwelt), hence this physical world leads finally to the religious ‘goal’.“ [translation and emphasis mine] 

Or in a letter to C.A. Meier of 1950: 

„Die Aufspaltung der Welt in ein helles und ein dunkles Prinzip fällt ... bei Fludd keineswegs zusammen mit der Aufspaltung in Materie und Psyche. Die Materie hat bei ihm auch Teil am lichten Prinzip und die Seele des Menschen auch am dunklen Prinzip. 

Die polare Realität Fludds ist stets in einem Zwischenreich (zwischen ‘physisch’ und ‘psychisch’ in unserem Sinne), das durch nicht direkt von den Sinnen wahrnehmbare materielle Bewegungen, die zugleich auch Veränderungen ‘objektiv-psychischer’ Art sind, beschrieben wird.“ [emphasis mine] 

English translation: 

„In Fludd, the disintegration of the world in a bright and a dark principle ... does by no means coincide with the split in matter and psyche. For him, matter participates also in the bright principle and the soul of man also in the dark principle. 

Fludd’s polar reality is always in an intermediate world (between ‘physical’ and ‘psychic’ in our meaning), that is described by material movements not directly perceptible by the senses, which [movements] are at the same time transformations (Veränderungen) of an ‘objective psychic’ manner.“ [translation and emphasis mine] 

After the publication of the Kepler essay in the year 1952, Pauli also sent a copy to Carl F. von Weizsäcker. In his answer of April 22nd, 1953 the latter writes back that he does not know any answer to the questions asked in it. Therefore Pauli strives to clarify his ideas in a small treatise with the title Die Alchemie als nicht geglückter Versuch eines psychophysischen Monismus (Alchemy as an unsuccessful attempt of a psycho-physical monism). 

In this treatise Pauli shows his conception very clearly:

„Die neuplatonisch-christliche Tendenz, die Materie als unerwünscht abzudrängen, war von vornherein von Gegenströmungen begleitet, welche eine symmetrische Behandlungsweise des Gegensatzpaares Geist-Materie angestrebt haben. In der älteren Antike war dies Aristoteles ... und die Peripatetiker sowie auch die Stoa. In der späteren Antike die Gnostiker und die [hermetische; RFR] Alchemie. Letztere setzte sich bis in 17. Jahrhundert als materiefreundliche Unterströmung innerhalb des Christentums fort, und gegenüber Kepler begegnen wir deren späteren Nachzügler Fludd. 

Durch Bohr an das antinomische Denken gewöhnt, bin ich entschieden für die symmetrische Auffassung des Gegensatzpaares Geist-Materie und war von Fludds Bildern gefesselt, die in der Mitte das ‚Sonnenkind’ entstehen lassen. Inzwischen war C.G. Jung als Kompensation der zu starken Vergeistigung seiner Psychologie ebenfalls auf die Alchemie gestossen, das hiess aber sowohl auf die Materie als auch auf die Naturwissenschaften. Ob nun später aus dieser Kollision von Psychologie und Physik durch eine wahre ‚Coniunctio’ ein Sonnenkind entstehen wird, das wird erst die Zukunft zeigen. 

Die Alchemisten knüpfen einerseits an den Timaeus, andrerseits an Aristoteles an ... Sie verwerfen aber den Neuplatonismus; die Materie ist nicht böse, sondern indifferent und in ihr ist ein Geist verborgen (Hermes Trismegistos). 

... Als das Bedeutungsvolle an ihr [der Alchemie] erscheint mir der Versuch, eine doppelsinnige psycho-physische Einheitssprache zu schaffen, die auf der Überzeugung der Identität innerer und äusserer Vorgänge beruht. ... 

Die Sache erscheint uns heute oft recht läppisch, und die Identifizierung der inneren (psychischen) mit den äusseren (chemischen) Vorgängen erfolgte sehr zum Schaden der Chemie. In der Tat waren ja die wirklichen chemischen Kenntnisse der Alchemisten äusserst geringe. Herr Jung behauptet aber, dass die Alchemisten eingehende Kenntnisse über unbewusste psychische Vorgänge hatten, und er hat sich eingehend mit der psychologischen Bedeutung der chymischen Hochzeit = Coniunctio von sol und luna beschäftigt, die bei Fludd eben jener Entstehung des Sonnenkindes in der Mitte entspricht.“

 English translation: 

„The Neoplatonic/Christian tendency to repress matter as undesired, was from the very beginning on accompanied by counter-currents which had strived for a symmetrical treatment of the opposite’s pair spirit/matter. During the older antiquity this was Aristotle ... and the Peripatetic as well as the Stoa. In the late antiquity the Gnostics and [Hermetic; RFR] alchemy. Until the 17th century the latter asserted itself as a matter-friendly undercurrent within Christianity, and against Kepler we meet its [alchemy’s] latecomer Fludd. 

Habituated to the antinomic thinking of [Niels] Bohr, I am decidedly for the symmetrical interpretation of the opposite’s pair spirit/matter, and I was fascinated by Fludd’s pictures which let develop the ‘sun’s child’ in the middle. Meanwhile C.G. Jung had - as compensation to the too strong spiritualization of his psychology - come across alchemy, i.e., across matter as well as natural sciences. Only the future will show us, if later - by a true ‘coniunctio’ - a sun’s child will develop out of this collision between psychology and physics.  

On the one hand, the alchemists are linked to the Timaeus, on the other to Aristotle ... But they reject Neoplatonism; matter is not evil, but indifferent and a spirit is hidden in it (Hermes Trismegistos). 

... It seems to me that the importance of it [alchemy] is the attempt to create an ambiguous psychophysical unity language that is based on the conviction of the identity of inner and outer events ... 

To us, today, the whole thing appears quite stupid (läppisch), and the identification of inner (psychic) and outer (chemical) processes was very prejudicial to chemistry ... But Herr Jung claims that the alchemists had a thorough knowledge about unconscious psychic processes, and he has occupied himself thoroughly with the psychological meaning of the chymic wedding = coniunctio of sol and luna which corresponds to the rise of the sun’s child in Fludd.“ [translation mine] 

In his letter to a quantum physicist (!) Pauli now rejects Neoplatonism entirely and accepts only Hermetic philosophy as the basis of alchemy, i.e., its symmetrical concept of the pair spirit/matter. This conclusion he draws on the background of the symmetrical concept of the Copenhagen interpretation (Niels Bohr) of quantum physics, i.e., on the background of the so-called complementarity.  

As we have seen (3.3.6), this term means that it is impossible for our consciousness to perceive matter per se. It depends on the instrument of observation if we experience its particle’s or its wave’s aspect. Thus, symmetry between these two concepts of perception is established.

Pauli now applies the quantum physical idea of the complementarity between particle and wave to the relationship of matter and spirit in Robert Fludd’s Hermetic opus.  

For him, the realization of the equivalence of matter and spirit is the necessary condition for the so-called chymic wedding, the union of spirit and matter, in which the intermediate realm is created, and therefore also for the result of this reunion of the opposites, the infans solaris; the sun’s child can only be born when such a symmetry is assumed.  

This equivalence of the male and the female principle is also underlined by the fact, that the infans solaris - despite its name - is not born in heaven but into an intermediate sphere which is a subtle realm. As we have seen above, for Pauli this layer is “not directly perceptible by the senses” because it is transcendent reality. In a letter to Jung he calls it also “an invisible, potential form of reality that is only indirectly inferable through its effects”.  

This sphere is the logically excluded third, and we will see later that it is exactly what Pauli - in scientific terms - called the unified psychophysical reality and Carl Jung the unus mundus. It is “potential being” and therefore transcendent like the wave function of quantum physics. In Chapter 5 we will define this intermediate layer as “psyche”. However, the reader should already notice here that this term is more comprehensive than Jung’s “objective psyche” (collective unconscious), because it contains also what I will call “matter-psyche”. 

As we have seen (in 4.1.2), this idea of a product of the opus does not exist in Neoplatonic alchemy. If Pauli criticizes the dogma of the Assumption and with it Carl Jung’s quaternity as a Neoplatonic idea, he implies exactly this lack: The „disinfected matter“ of the Holy Mary in the heaven is not able to give birth to a child, as in the opus of the Hermetic alchemists. 

Symbolically seen, we can say that the Neoplatonic process looks like a circle, in which everything goes round and round for all eternity without producing something new. In the Hermetic process, however, with its birth of the infans solaris as the result of some sort of a „quantum leap“, suddenly a new circle on a higher level is achieved.  

Many of Pauli’s letters show, that he had a hunch of the fact, that exactly this product of the coniunctio - the infans solaris born out of the subtle intermediate realm - could be the symbolically expressed solution of observable processes in the psychophysical reality. One of the most important challenges of our investigations will therefore be to answer the question, how the infans solaris could be connected with the unus mundus, Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung looked for.


 Chapter 4, part 5 (will follow)

Chapter 5, part 1


See also further articles about Wolfgang Pauli in


