The Mandala Herr Roth hat Frau Weiss geheiratet ("Mr. Red has married Mrs. White") was painted while I was in a very deep life crisis in 1974. It is composed of 9 x 11 (!) red and 9 x 11 white elements plus the empty center. For me it is a symbol of the union of the opposites and of the unus mundus (Carl Jung) or of the unified psychophysical reality (Wolfgang Pauli) out of which a new creation is born. I was very shocked when I realized that it contains the symbolism of 9/11...! In my interpretation it symbolizes a positive compensation to that event.


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Neu am 10.12.2003:

The New Mysticism and the Life after Death, part 2: The background of the New Mysticism is the myth of the transformation of the king of alchemy, i.e., the masculine God. He must descend into the womb of the Goddess, out of which both will be redeemed by the individual human in a deeply introverted process. This incredible heretical idea will be the central task of a modern mystic of the 21st century

Neu am 11.11.2003:

The New Mysticism and the Life after Death, part 1: Carl G. Jung's depth psychology allows a new approach to Mysticism. As the experience shows, the center of the collective unconscious has divine qualities. Therefore a relationship with this mandala structured center can be regarded as a new mysticism, which is independent of any religious confession.

Neu am 26.10.2003:

Im Rollbalken oben und auf der Startseite Psychovision erscheinen in Zukunft ausgewählte Zitate C.G. Jungs, Wolfgang Paulis und Marie-Louise von Franz'

Neu am 13.10.2003:

Neotantrism and Body Centered Visualization -  Imitation of the Eastern or Creative New Beginning on the Western Way?  Esoterics speaks again and again of the so-called "third eye", which is allegedly opened during the process of "enlightenment." In the Buddhist and Hindu Tantrism the third eye corresponds to the ajna chakra, which is located above the nose on the forehead. The essential goal of today's imitations of the Tantric initiation processes in the Western world - the so-called Neotantrism - consists of opening this "third eye" by a concentration on the front forehead region concerned. For the Western culture this seems to be wrong.

Neu am 17.9.2003:

A Body Centered Visualization for Arrhythmias of the Heart: This article contains Body Centered Visualizations of a woman who sought a cure for arrhythmias of the heart. This example shows how such psychosomatic phenomena can be resolved with the help of the BCV method, which I first developed in the late 1980's.

Neu am 28.8.2003:

Beispiel einer Visualisierung über Extrasystolen des Herzens: Wie die Transformation des Symptoms in das Bild der Lichtspirale und in tiefste Gefühle der Verbundenheit mit der "inneren Göttin" hinein führte.

Neu am 24.8.2003:

New English hompage. Contains four new introductory essays on my research method in general, on synchronicity research, on subtle body research and on archetypal ufo research. Especially the latter deals to clear my position in this obscure field.

Neu am 20.8.2003:

Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio)...(Teil 8): C.G. Jungs Scheitern am Problem der coniunctio im denarius und an der alchemistischen Quadratur des Kreises, der Vereinigung der Zahlen 6 und 4.

Neu am 26.7.2003:

Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio)... (Teil 7): Die unio corporalis als symbolische Vereinigung von Physik und Tiefenpsychologie

Neu am 15.7.2003:

Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio)... (Teil 6): Die Komplementarität zwischen Physik und Jung'scher Tiefenpsychologie, oder: Die zwei Königskinder, die nie zusammenfinden werden, trotz Pauli-Jung-Dialog...

Neu am 7.7.2003:

Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio)...  (Teil 5): Die Folgen der ersten Erlösung der Weltseele im 17. Jahrhundert und das Problem der zweiten Erlösung im 21. Jahrhundert.

Neu am 7.7.2003:

Die WELTSEELE - gestern und heute: wichtige Ergänzung vom 7.7.2003 s. am Schluss des Beitrages, s.a.  Die alchemistische Weltseele, das kollektive Unbewusste C.G. Jungs und die Konzepte der modernen Physik

Neu am 30.6.2003:

Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio)... (Teil 4): Die Naturwissenschaft als moderne unio mentalis und Fortsetzung der neuplatonischen Alchemie

Neu am 14.6.2003:

Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio)... (Teil 3): Die Extraktion der Weltseele aus der Materie in der Physik des 17. Jahrhunderts

Neu am 26.5.2003:

Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio)...  (Teil 2): Die unio corporalis und die Körperzentrierte Visualisierung

Neu am 24.5.2003:

The Seal of Solomon and the unsolved problem of psyche's complementary incarnation, part 1: Wolfgang Pauli's conflict between the complementarity of energy and the law of conservation of physical energy

Neu am 18.5.2003:

 Der Archetypus der mystischen Hochzeit (coniunctio) in der Alchemie und im Unbewussten des heutigen westlichen Menschen (Teil 1): Die coniunctio im alchemistischen Rosarium philosophorum

Neu am 23.3.2003:

Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part4: Hermetic Alchemy and Pauli's Kepler essay

Neu am 21.3.2003:

Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part3: Hermetic Alchemy and Pauli's Kepler essay

Neu am 16.3.2003:

Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part2: Neoplatonic Alchemy  

Neu am 10.3.2003:

Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy: Eternal infertility versus incarnation, part1: Wolfgang Pauli's differentiation between Neoplatonic and Hermetic alchemy  

Neu am 25.2.2003:

Carl Jung's quaternity, Neoplatonic philosophy and the "potential being" of Aristotle, part 4: Carl Jung's "Quaternities projected into heaven" and the unsolved psychophysical problem

Neu am 14.2.2003:

Carl Jung's quaternity, Neoplatonic philosophy and the "potential being" of Aristotle, part 1: Wolfgang Pauli's grave criticism at the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich and at Carl G. Jung's quaternity

Neu am 14.2.2003:

Carl Jung's quaternity, Neoplatonic philosophy and the "potential being" of Aristotle, part 2: The dogma of the Assumption, the archetype of the coniunctio, Carl Jung's individuation process and the Platonic privatio boni

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Remo F. Roth, Ph.D.
